Monday, December 5, 2011

Pretty much I am famous.

A few weeks ago I decided to bring out my sewing machine and get creative. I had a TON of fabric that I had originally bought for curtains that were going to hang in the apartment we lived in before we moved into this house. Needless to say like many things, they never got done, so I decided to try to make Christmas stockings! Since we have been married (coming up on four years!) we have always had cheesey stockings from walmart, or Christmas tree shop. I decided it would be nice if we could all have coordinating stockings, ecspecially since this is our first Christmas out of the apartment life. I ended up making four stockings for us! I'm pretty proud of how they came out, since I made the pattern myself. Just like I do with a lot of my crafts I shared it with my online mom group, that is when Jennifer a popular blogger asked me to do a guest blog and write a tutorial on how I made them.

Let me tell you, it is NOT that easy to type up step by step on how you make something. Of course I had serious writers block... anyway she put the tutorial up in her blog. So there you go, I am famous. :) You can find the post on Jennifer's blog at AKAthewife, check out her other stuff too! She is pretty crafty and has beautiful baby!

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