Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cloth Diaper rant part 1: Why we have a fluffy butt!

*Warning* Like all my blog posts these are my personal opinions! This is not meant to judge/hurt/ or make you feel guilty for the choices you have made/ are making for your family. It is just the reasoning behind my choice to cloth diaper. If you disagree with anything I welcome your comments. (In a nice respectful manner of course!)

So lets talk cloth diapers, it has really become a bit of an obsession with me (if you are fb friends with me I am sure you can tell!)

And why???
Because they are so freaken cute! Just kidding...(kind of) Aside from the cute factor is the cheap factor. If a child wears diapers until they are two and a half years old and you are buying a pack of diapers for $10 a week you will spend approximately $1300 on diapers. (these are my rough estimates... math is not my thing just ask my brother :) So that is 1300 on something that my kid will wear for maybe 3 hours. Then I will toss it in the trash and never think of it again. I would much rather spend that money on something like a living room set or a down payment on a car or heck maybe even a college fund for the girls. Lets take this one step further, I have two kids that's $2600!!! At some point Jason and I want to have more kids if we have two more kids we would spend $5200 on poop catchers. That's a pretty big chunk of money. What if your kid doesn't potty train until she is 3??? What if she still wets the bed at 5? Think of the money that is being wasted on diapers/pull ups.
If this doesn't catch your attention think on this.
The *average* diaper package has lets say 30 diapers in it. Modestly that is 3900 in a landfill PER child. If you have two kids that is 7800 diapers! It is estimated that it takes 250 to 500 YEARS for the diapers to decompose. If you believe that God created this earth, that's not really a good way to be taking care of it like we should be. (I could write a whole post on this alone, think on this God created the earth he then created man in his image. If we are supposed to be like him shouldn't we take care of HIS creation?)
Did you know that disposable diapers contain CHEMICALS? Says this
Disposable diapers contain traces of Dioxin, an extremely toxic by-product of the paper-bleaching process.  It is a carcinogenic chemical, listed by the EPA as the most toxic of all cancer-linked chemicals.  It is banned in most countries, but not the U.S..1
Disposable diapers contain Tributyl-tin (TBT) - a toxic pollutant known to cause hormonal problems in humans and animals.2
Disposable diapers contain sodium polyacrylate, a type of super absorbent polymer (SAP), which becomes a gel-like substance when wet. A similar substance had been used in super-absorbency tampons until the early 1980s when it was revealed that the material increased the risk of toxic shock syndrome by increasing absorbency and improving the environment for the growth of toxin-producing bacteria.3
In May 2000, the Archives of Disease in Childhood published research showing that scrotal temperature is increased in boys wearing disposable diapers, and that prolonged use of disposable diapers will blunt or completely abolish the physiological testicular cooling mechanism important for normal spermatogeneisis.
Is this really something that you want your child wearing EVERY day for at least two years?

I'll also add this. A wore disposable diapers up until four months away from potty training(something I very much regret.) The kid had rashes ALL the time, I mean all the time. L wore sposies (a cute nick name) until her cord fell off, she was very red for much of that time. Since I put her full time in Cloth diapers she has not had one rash. That alone convinces me that I made the right choice.

And back to my first reason they are just so cute I mean look at this butt!

Love those heels. xoxo

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