Potty training is really touch and go with Addy. Some days she does amazing and I think "yes she finally has it", while others make me want to throw her stupid Dora potty ring at the golfers who think it's ok to walk in my yard just because they have bad aim. (I'm thinking of spraying the next one I see with the hose.)
Yesterday we went up to West Lebanon, I had two destinations in mind TJmaxx and JoAnn
Fabrics. Traffic was horrible when I got into leb, they seriously need to hurry up on the new roads its like trying to navigate through a high school hallway in the middle of the day. Ridiculous. I did however score a good parking spot. In my head I thought it would be a great idea to bring up my new Phil and Teds stroller, however our trunk has decided it no longer needs to open so I have to lift it up over the seats. Seriously that stroller much weight 95lbs. I got the girls all settled in and went into TJ's it went pretty well. At one point of course we had to make a potty trip, A did her thing and we were on our way. Shortly after we had to go to the dressing room since L decided she needed to eat and it was the only place with seating.
At TJs I ended up grabbing a Petunia Pickle Bottom sling, it was really cute and since L likes to be worn so much I figure one can never have to many carriers. I also bought A this little pink Tangled box with four tangled chapsticks. Things went really smoothly at TJ's aside from the woman who cut me off as I was going to pay, this happens regularly. It's like they see you with two antsy kids and decide they would like to hear more screaming by making you stand in line longer.
Anyway I then made my way to JoAnns, about two minutes into the store L started getting a little wiggly signaling that she would like to eat (again). Then I heard those words, the words that made our smooth flowing day turn into a hurricane "I have to pee."
Having been in that bathroom before when I was pregnant with Lilah I knew that at this store you have to ask for a key. I pretty much had to comb the entire store to find someone. The bathroom is in the far corner of the store a HUGE bolt of some kind of foam was strategically placed in front of that door. Let me tell you getting that stroller in that room would make even a rock sweat. By the time I was able to actually get us into the bathroom A was whining (over and over) "I have to peeeee" and Lilah was starting to fuss. I get A on the toilet and then start feeding L, standing up since apparently JoAnns Fabric doesn't believe in cleaning the bathroom. (Not that I would sit on a public bathroom floor, I just needed a clever way to slip in that the bathroom was NASTY). A pees I grab clean her up and put her back in the stroller (one handed mind you) and starts freaking out because she wants to wash her hands. Since she is such a peanut I have to lift her to reach the water, so I told her that she was going to have to wait until I was done feeding L.
This is where I lost control
A started freaking out, I mean that total throw your body on the floor screaming and kicking type thing (except she was buckled in the stroller). At this point I get the bright idea to put L in the new PPB and try to nurse her in that thinking it would leave my hands free (even though I had my trusty Moby with me) As I am trying the sling A is still freaking out, I took away her chapstick and she began to scream like I was trying to drown her. Meanwhile I am trying to fit L into the sling and she is screaming since I am pretty sure I could have suffocated her. I look closely at the box (screaming by both is still going on)
And that is when I realize that the sling is a size SMALL. If you have ever met me you will know why nursing my baby in a size small sling is next to impossible. I am a freaking genius.
A calmed down as we left the herpes coated bathroom, and L is still screaming (not wanted to eat at this point.) I try to carry her throughout the store and finally do the most looked down upon thing a mother can do, I placed her on her Belly (gasp!). She INSTANTLY fell asleep, finally things were under control.
A few blissful moments later I am almost done picking out my fabric when I hear those words again... "I have to peeee" followed immediately by "I peed in my big girl underwear." Yup she peed in the stroller, which instantly sets her off.
I may have done the wrong thing here but I made her wait to change it. I was so close to being done and just needed to get the fabric cut and check out. A of course whined the whole time (which I understand really I do).
We finally get to the car I throw my diaper bag in the front seat and again I hear "I have to peeee". Instantly I grab her potty seat from the trunk and put her on it in the middle of the TJ max parking lot. I kid you not the kid almost fills it. Then I wiped her, she stood up and peed some more. I am pretty sure my petite little two year old has the bladdar of a grown man. Seriously that is FIVE times in about an
hour and a half. She ended up sitting in her car seat naked as we drove home. (I know I so win the mother of the year award for that one.)
Aren't kids fantastic?
All this happened while I was wearing heels of course,
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